Remember that not all Scouts are adept at outside or physical activities. Many are very adept at Stem/Nova  activities. It is important we offer that component of Scouting in our programs as well.  

Awards Specific to Disability Awareness

Torch of Gold Award

The Torch of Gold is a council-level distinguished award of the Boy Scouts of America to recognize adults for exceptional service and leadership in working with Scouts who have disabilities.  

Woods Services Award for Scouting With Special Needs

Community Organizations Knot

The Woods Services Award is a national-level recognition for volunteer adults who provide outstanding service to Scouts with special needs.

Woods Services, founded in 1913 as The Woods Schools for Exceptional Children, is a nationally recognized leader in services for people with developmental disabilities, brain injury, and mental health diagnoses, serving 1,000 individuals annually. Woods Services is licensed by the state of Pennsylvania to provide educational, residential, and vocational services for children, adults, and seniors. Round-the-clock medical services are provided, and residents are offered a full schedule of social and recreational activities both on and off campus. Woods Services is located in Langhorne, Pennsylvania, with additional locations throughout Bucks, Montgomery, and Chester Counties in Pennsylvania

Special Needs Scouting Service Award


The Special Needs Services Award is a knot a volunteer or professional Scouter can earn based on set criteria serving Scouts with Special Needs. This award, founded in 2016, recognizes any Scouter that meets the set criteria. It will include the knot, a certificate, a lapel pin, and a medal. The requirements will be posted on  Awards Central, along with an application for to be completed. (In progress)