Miwok District Commissioner Staff

Jennifer Masterson

Unit Commissioner
Contact Information

I became a volunteer when my eldest son brought home a flier from school inviting him to join Cub Scouts. We went to the first meeting, and he had a blast! So did I! I became an assistant Den Leader that year, when my eldest was a Tiger Cub. I continued as a Den leader, and Pack Advancement Chair for my youngest son, staying active with Cub Scout Pack 3 for 11 years (1996-2007). The journey continued into Boy Scouts when my eldest selected Troop 8 in Petaluma for his new scout troop, and I signed on as a merit badge counselor and a Committee Member. Not long after my youngest son joined Troop 8, I was asked to become the new Committee Chair of the Troop, and have stayed in that position from 2007 to present. Troop 8 is chartered by the Rotary Club of Petaluma, since 1945 (it was a Tribe 1943-1945). In 2008, I recruited my husband Erik to become the new Scoutmaster for Troop 8, and he is still the SM for Troop 8 to present day. Both our sons Devin and Jeremy earned their Eagle ranks while in Troop 8, and Jeremy also his Bronze Palm. They have moved on to college but continue to participate in the Troop 8 as their lives allow. In 2009, I was asked to add the role of Miwok District Advancement Chair to my volunteer slate, and I stayed in that role until 2015. I thoroughly enjoyed advising many young men along the path of their Eagle Trail, and was honored to chair their Eagle Board of reviews. If the reader ever wants to know what capable young people this program turns out, sit on an Eagle Scout Board of Review. These are amazing young people! In 2014, I took on the challenge of rebuilding Cub Scout Pack 84. December 2014 had 4 boys recharter for the 2015 year. In December 2017, Pack 84 will be rechartering for the 2018 year with 35 boys. We look forward to the addition of girls into the Cub Scout Program in Fall 2018. In 2015 I was again tapped to move up and became the Miwok District Chair. A challenging position, but one I have enjoyed. I have been awarded the District Award of Merit and most recently (2017) was humbled by being awarded the Silver Beaver. The friends I have made along my scouting journey will also a lifetime! And they say it's just an hour a week, right?

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