Silver World Award
The Award is a distinguished service award similar to the Silver Buffalo, Silver Antelope and Silver Beaver. It is given for distinguished service to youth and cannot be applied for. It is presented to world citizens who give outstanding service to youth on a national or international basis. Recipients must be countries whose Scout Associations are members of the World Scout Conference. United States citizens may receive the recognition only if they are not registered members of the Boy Scouts of America.
Until 1994 this award was presented by the Chief Scout Executive, National President, International Commissioner BSA, or other designated person to adults for international service to the BSA's Scouting programs, but were not registered members of the BSA. The Chief Scout Executive, National President and the BSA's International Commissioner had the group authority to authorize the award to anyone that they chose. This created several situations whereby the Silver World Award was awarded to BSA Scouters. The awards were suspended in 1994 by action of the National Executive Board until narrower requirements for the awarding of the medal could be made. Of the 40 or so Scouters that were presented the award for international service to the BSA's Scouting programs, approximately half were presented to Scouters belonging to the Direct Service Council, the Transatlantic Council, the Canal Zone Council, or to a stateside local Council.